Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple Bake is coming...

This Sunday is the *th Annual Apple Bake Competition at Burton Conner.

*I wish I knew how long it has been going on, so I could call it 7th Annual, 8th Annual, 4th Annual, or whatever... but the truth is that no one knows how long it has been going on. This is the second year Jamie and I have planned it, so I guess we can call it the 2nd Annual, but I don't want to do that beacause it's not really true - this event happened before we lived here. We'll have to get someone investigating this...

It is going to be exciting! We've been planning for about a month, with our wonderful friends Lisa and Andrew, who are organizing it with us this year. The event is hugely popular among the residents of Burton Conner (an undergraduate dorm at MIT), who bake hundreds of apple dishes in one day, submit them to be judged, and have the opportunity to win over $500 in prizes! Last year, we had almost 150 entries, and we expect to have more this year. They bake all kinds of creative things, like "Sausage Apple Pie" and "Apple Cheescake Muffins". I was never that creative with food as a college student, so they really impress me. I can't wait to see what kinds of things they come up with this year, and to taste as many of them as I can.

I am hoping with all the craziness that I will have time to take pictures of the beautiful dishes so we can all remember the awesomeness, and I can share it with you!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously the cutest thing ever. :)If only I could be a judge/food critic hahaAnd you better take pictures...or else!Peace Love and I CANT WAIT TIL THANKSGIVING SO I CAN SEE YOU!<3
