
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pregnancy: Thoughts at 41 Weeks

June 29, 2015: 41 Weeks Pregnant! 
I did not expect AT ALL to make it to this point in pregnancy. I really thought that by now, we'd have a beautiful baby boy in our arms to love, hold, and take care of. I know that life is going to change once he is here and I have been trying to enjoy my last bits of time alone, but I was ready to give all that up and meet him a week ago! I wish I had better prepared myself for the fact that he might come this late. Many people tried to warn me, but I ignored them thinking that it wouldn't happen. So here I am in what feels like a perpetual state of waiting.

I have been lucky that for the most part, I have enjoyed being pregnant. Sure, there are some discomforts, but the excitement that I have experienced so far has been incredible, and I know there is so much  more to look forward to. Here are my bump-date photos, followed by my thoughts on the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens of pregnancy. If it weren't for me making it to this 41 week mark, I don't think I would have taken time to write or post any of this, so I am grateful that I have the time and energy to share.

The Ups
The best part of pregnancy has been the joy it has brought to our family and friends. Everyone is so supportive, thoughtful, and excited for the future! It has also been fun getting to pick out clothes for the baby, plan out his nursery, and think about his future. I have also been blessed to have an easygoing and healthy pregnancy. The maternity photos were fun to take too, with our student Malena from Burton-Conner who is a very talented photographer!

The Downs
If you had asked me a week ago, I would have said that the hardest part was keeping the secret from family and friends for almost two months. That part was super hard, but worth it when we got to see their reactions. Now that I have made it to week 41, I might say the hardest part has been the days past 40 weeks... it is a constant waiting game that feels like it will never end. Although I have read and I know that I will not be pregnant forever, it certainly doesn't feel that way today. Other things that were hard included having a baby sitting on my bladder for the past 9 months, headaches and nausea during the first trimester, having to sleep on my side with a giant pillow, and having to give up beer and wine. I made up for the beer and wine in ice cream and milkshakes, though, so that part really wasn't so bad!

The In-betweens
Jamie and I were in a transition period throughout the pregnancy, and at first we weren't sure if he would be able to defend his PhD this year or not. We also weren't sure if, when, and where he would get a job if he was able to defend. His job search and unknown defense details were definitely stressful at times, but in the end, everything couldn't have worked out more perfectly. He defended his thesis in May, walked at graduation in June, will be having this baby **hopefully** in July, and we'll be moving to New York City in August. We were able to travel in early July to choose an apartment, and we'll be living in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in Morningside Heights, that is only a 5 minute walking commute for Jamie to get to work. He's excited to be a real Professor Doctor.

We are so ready for this baby to make his debut... now that I've written all of this, I guess I'll be posting again when he is finally here.... let's hope it's tonight ;)

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