
Wednesday, June 15, 2011



This recipe will change your life. Forever.


I was inspired by Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day, and it can inspire you too! I used my library copy for weeks before buying the book myself since it is full of recipes I wanted to try.

I changed up the basic recipe a bit (I half it and use slightly different methods), but I have found the book to be an invaluable guideline for baking times and inspiration for variations.

To make the dough, mix 1 1/2 c. of warm water with 3/4 T of yeast, 3/4 T of salt, and 1/2 T of sugar*. Stir in 3 1/4 c. of flour, and keep stirring until you have a moist dough. Let it rise for 2 or more hours and then put it in the fridge for up to two weeks. SO EASY!! I do this in my standing mixer, but you can also mix it by hand.

*To yield more dough (will make 4 loaves), use 3 c. warm water, 1 1/2 T yeast, 1 1/2 T salt, 1 T sugar, and 6 1/2 c. flour.

You can use this dough to make pizzas, pita bread, baguette, and more!

I am going to show you how to make it into baguette.


First take the dough out of the refrigerator,


and sprinkle some flour on top.


Sprinkle some flour onto a work surface as well.


Pull out chunks of dough and shape them into baguette loaves.

Let the loaves rest for 20 minutes while you preheat the oven to 450 degrees.


Just before baking, brush the top of the loaves with water and slice them with a sharp knife.


Slide them onto a baking sheet that is HOT (preheat it (and a broiler pan - see below) along with the oven) and bake the loaves for 20-25 minutes. To keep the bread from sticking to the pan, you can coat it with cornmeal, spray with olive oil, or use parchment paper.

When you put them in the oven, it is helpful to create some steam to give the bread a crispy crust and soft interior, so you should preheat the oven with a broiler pan on the bottom rack and pour 1 c. of hot water into it right after you place the bread into the oven. It will get all steamy inside! DO NOT use a glass pan or this will happen:


Accidents aside, after 25 minutes, extremely delicous bread will emerge from your oven.


I'll say it again - it will change your life!!!


Just give it a try :) Thanks to Lisa for telling me about this wonderful recipe!


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