
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Zatar Bread

Okay, so I know I've had this "Zatar Bread Coming Soon" post up for like a month... I've been super busy and haven't had time to write out the recipe. The gallery of pictures above shows the steps I took the first time I made zatar bread myself - the bread came out SO delicious, and the pictures came out pretty great as well, so I really wanted to share the recipe. The only problem with it was that it took FOREVER to make and had way too many steps. It called for letting the bread rise about 5 different times. The bread was really good, though, so I thought that I would keep the recipe and try it again.

Then, thanks to Lisa, I came across a miracle bread recipe. It is a bread recipe in which you can make a large batch of dough, keep it in the fridge for up to two weeks, and use it throughout those two weeks to make all different kinds of bread. I used the first batch I made to make pita bread, zatar bread, and a baguette - all from the same batch of dough that took me about 10 minutes to make.

I will share the EASY zatar bread recipe soon as well as the other bread recipes I mentioned, as I didn't take pictures the first time I made them and I want a chance to make them again and document the steps with pictures. I adapted the recipes from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day (click on book title to see book on Amazon), but I adapted the methods used in the book to make them friendly to the tools and equipment I already had on hand in my kitchen. I would highly recommend this book, as I have had great success so far with every recipe I have tried!

And finally, for those of you who don't know, zatar bread is a Middle Eastern flatbread made with olive oil and zatar (a spice blend). The zatar spice blend I use came from Jamie's family and I am almost out. I probably have enough to make one more batch, so I'll have to get some more! Zatar is a strong spice made from thyme, oregano, and other spices - at first I did not care for it - but it has grown on me and now I enjoy it a lot on flatbread. It is great to dip freshly baked zatar bread into homemade hummus or just eat it by itself!


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