
Friday, April 8, 2011

Chocolate Pie

Yesterday for book club I made Chocolate Pie. It turned out delicious.

I followed Smitten Kitten's recipe exactly, and didn't regret it. I was afraid it wouldn't be sweet enough. It turned out perfectly creamy and chocolatey, and it wasn't too heavy.

Here is the link to the recipe:


I made the pie because we read The Help.


I really enjoyed The Help, and at times it made me really hungry. All that fried chicken they made throughout the book really made me crave some good southern food. Minny's Chocolate Pie, however, curbed my cravings (read the book to find out why!), but I thought it would be fun to make it as a tribute anyways.

The Help is a great read and explores Civil Rights issues in a very
real, important way. It is an empowering story of three women who are ready for change and willing to take action. I would highly recommend it to everyone.

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